Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Bunny Suits, Scrubs and Wonton Wrappers!!

I have a little story to share before I get into the "meat" of this installment...

So, my job can take me to the operating rooms of any of the 4 hospitals I work in.  I have avoided them like the plague because to go in one you have 2 choices...put on a bunny suit (white, very thin "painter" jumpsuit) or scrubs.  Both of these are not typically available in what I like to call, "Fat Man Size." 
Well this past Tuesday, I was face to face with Operating Room #7 in Greenwich Hospital.  It was time to choose. I was dreading both choices but everyone else (That's right, I wasn't alone) picked the bunny suit and I said, "What the hell...let's give it a try!" 
I attempted the suit and it ripped just trying to get one foot in. I can only assume that I would've looked like quite the "sau-seeege"...if I ever got it on.  So, I opted out of the bunny suit and went for the scrubs. 
I was sent into the "Surgeons Only Lounge" and was given the largest pair of scrubs they had...XXL. The pants went on no problem and actually they were too big. (I was pleasantly surprised)  
Now the shirt...
I took a couple of deep breaths and had my usual inner monologue chant..."Think Thin, Think Thin, Think Thin!" I did get the shirt on...barely. I would've HULKED my way right out of it, if I would’ve moved too much or too fast, However, IT WAS ON!! 

I honestly believe that a month and a half ago...I would've never been able to put it on.  Here is more proof of how far I've come in such a short time, both physically and mentally. I'm actually putting a picture of myself in my own blog. This could very well be the first "selfie" I have ever intentionally taken. 

(Sorry, I haven't mastered Duck Lips yet!)

I felt the need to share that story because the whole thing was terrifying and hilarious all at the same time! AND, I got a free pair of scrubs out of it!!

"So, back to the lecture at hand..."

My plan was to write the next blog entry when there was something worth writing about. I'm happy to announce...



We are also hoping that all of the changes we are making will stick with Andy throughout his life and become second nature. He has been amazing with all of this. It's like he hasn't even really noticed the changes we've made. He is also only 3 years old, so he doesn't have a choice. To toot our own horn, we trained him from the time he started eating real food with the saying... "You Eat What We Eat."


I'm keeping my caloric intake between 1500 -1800 calories a day. I'm not starving myself by any means. Its amazing how much food you can eat when it is healthy! There is also no more eating past 8pm. (on most nights :D)

This journey has given us the opportunity to get more creative with what we cook. We have not had to sacrifice flavor at all! We have found some really good recipes. We've also come up with our own concoctions. So Far, there really hasn't been anything that I would classify as..."HOLY S#!T...THIS SUCKS...LET'S ORDER A PIZZA!"

We've had a few..."This isn’t too bad, but it needs some tweaking." For the most part we have done really really well with our choices.  We've had people ask for recipes that we've found. Here are just a couple of the websites we look on:

(ALSO...I'm always looking for more websites and recipes, so please feel free to send me some links!)

A few weeks ago I found an interesting recipe and I did a little tweaking of it to fit our new lifestyle. It has now turned into something that has been passed to family, friends and co-workers. Because of this, I have been asked to start sharing some of the recipes that we use. 

I do need to let everyone know up front, my Italian mom taught me almost everything I know about cooking. She is fantastic in the kitchen. That being said, she cooks by feel and I do the same thing. That means, there's a lot of eyeballing and a hefty amount of "a little bit of this and a little bit of that." There is not a lot of measuring taking place in either of our kitchens. 

Here is the first recipe that I have decided to share...the measurements below are close approximations...ENJOY! (and good luck!) 

Mini  Turkey Lasagna Cups
Serves - 6 (3 cups each)
Roughly: 346 calories per serving 
About: 7 grams of fat

20 oz package of ground turkey breast
1 - 1.5 cups of marinara sauce (we like Trader Joes's Organic, but I doctor it with a little garlic powder and onion powder)
1 - 1.5 cups fat free ricotta
36 wonton wrappers 
1 - 1.5 cups reduced fat 
fresh grated parmesan cheese
Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. 
2. Brown turkey in a skillet over medium high heat and drain. 
3. Add marinara sauce to meat mixture and stir to combine to the consistency of your liking.
4. Coat 1 and a half muffin tin pans (for 18 cups) with cooking spray, and arrange 2 wonton wrappers in each cup. 
5. Take 1 tsp or so of Ricotta and place in bottom of each cup
6. Place a spoonful of meat mixture into each cup on top of ricotta cheese
7.  Sprinkle mozzarella on top of each cup
8. Grate a little parmesan cheese over each cup
9. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes until the cheese is melted and the wonton wrappers are golden. 
10. EAT and ENJOY!!

(and yes...I am becoming the guy that takes pictures of his with it!)


They have become a staple in our fridge. I have used them for making Taco Cups, I have even cut up the extras and quickly boiled them for "fresh" pasta for Andy. I was thinking about a healthy take on Chicken Pot Pie with them. (I'll let you know how it goes.) Wonton wrappers are so versatile. I keep looking for ways to use them.
Just so you know, I'm really not looking for a wonton wrapper endorsement deal. (unless you know someone...) 

Sorry about the wonton tangent...I will now continue...


Clown Shoes Fitness is still going strong!! 

I've come to realize that I need to exercise very early in the morning. If I don't, I will spend all day talking myself out of exercising at night. The Fitbit Force has been fantastic (a little concerned with the voluntary recall so we'll see what happens). 
At 5am my wrist buzzes and I'm usually up...groggy...but up. I change into shorts and a T-shirt. I don the RED SHOES and I head downstairs to do my work. When I'm done, I head back upstairs and its time to get ready for work.  I have a goal of trying to have at least 3500 steps accumulated before I leave for work.  This doesn't always happen.  There are days that I just want to sleep. Which I do. I try to make up the steps at work.  Again, I'm not that militant about all of this yet.  I'm sure I will get there but for now, I'm very content with the way things are progressing.

Last Saturday, we had our first of 5 Saturdays with the SEE Program. I run a "gym" class with a bunch of kids ranging from 3rd Grade to 8th Grade from 8:45am-1pm.  We play crazy variations of dodgeball, kickball...anything we can think of. My FitBit step goal is set for the same number everyday. The Force will buzz like crazy when I reach that goal.  The first class started at 8:45 and by 10:30am...I had already reached my goal...for the entire day. I ended up recording almost 18000 steps that day.  My leg was pretty pissed at me up until about Tuesday, but I had a blast with the kids! I wish I had just 10% of the energy that they have. I am slowed up by my leg and the amount that I can do, but when I am around them...I can't sit back and watch. I have to join in. 

Last year I dreaded every Saturday morning in March. I had no energy. I had to force myself to get involved. It would take me the entire week to recover and then do it all over again. 
I still have a little soreness but mentally I am feeling great. I will however, definitely be using the following 4 Sundays as "Recovery Days!" 


I'm amazed at how we have come together as a family. I've said it before and I'll say it again...FOR ME...doing this together is making all the difference. We have never used the word "DIET." In fact, we will correct you if you ask us how our "DIET" is going. We are not depriving ourselves of anything. We are just making a conscious effort to better ourselves for the rest of our lives. 

I am trying to move as much as I can. I am very happy about where my progress is. Things are going according to plan. Little victories are the key.  I have a large goal that I am working toward, but I realized that I need small goals so I can have victories along the way to keep the momentum moving. 

Its motivating and gratifying to see results and see how the body reacts because it is being used the way it was designed. 
The body responds a million times better when you take care of it...Imagine That! 
I have started taken control of what I eat versus letting food control me. 

Thanks for reading and coming along for the ride!

Talk to you soon!! 


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