Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Hitch in my Giddy-Up...a Bump in the Road...

It has been a while...and quite a few things have happened...

A few days after my 2nd post, a fantastic friend gave us a great juicer. My wife brought it home on Thursday. On my way home from work, I bought fruits and veggies to test out the new LIFE CHANGING PIECE OF EQUIPMENT.  I found a recipe that "looked" good...I threw in some carrots, spinach, a little cucumber, a small piece of celery and 2 apples.  It was definitely GREEN in color...I had very high hopes for this juice.

I had the *yips* the whole time while I forced myself to drink it.

This was not how my first juice making experience was supposed to go. In my head, it was going be this "life altering event". This was the kickstart of the new chapter in my life.
Oh, it was life altering alright...


Day 1 - December 6th

I woke up Friday morning petrified of the horrendous juice I made the night before. I sat at the edge of the bed and said a string of words I would say just before I started every one of my shows at ESPN. "OH GOD, OH CRAP, OH NOOOO!"
I got up and reluctantly made my way into the kitchen. I decided to make a juice that made sense in my head instead of a recipe that I read. So I made a juice of an apple and some carrots...!!HALLELUJAH!! It was fantastic.

THANK THE LORD!!! Something that was pleasing to my palate.

So, I got ready for work, packed up the rest of my juice and I headed out the door.
Side Note... I am not much of a planner. I have a tendency to jump all in and then figure things out as I go...ask my wife, she can attest to this! 
I definitely didn't think about how much juice I should've made for the day. (Exhibit A) I had about 30oz of juice for the entire day...including breakfast.  I drank an abundance of water just to get through the day. Then I was going to get home and I would immediately make another juice...or so I thought. I completely forgot that it was the night we were going to go and cut down our Christmas tree.  (Exhibit B...more evidence of my lack of planning) 

I drove home and picked up my wife and son and the 3 of us drove to Jones Tree Farm.  It was raining, cold and dark at 4:45pm.  They let us go up the hill but not past a certain point (just in case we didn't come back...they would have a general idea of where to look).  After some choice 4 letter words (from me) and a few tears (from Andy and maybe a few from Melissa)...the tree was down.  It was a total team effort! We finally got home and got the tree upstairs, put it into its tree stand and literally jammed it into the corner.
I finally got to make my "dinner"...it tasted very good but the headache had already set in.  It was too little too late. I was shot. Needless to say, I went to bed pretty early.

Day 2 - December 7th

I woke up and made the same Apple/Carrot juice I made the morning before...headache was still there in full force. Today was the day we were going to get into the Christmas Spirit and decorate the tree!!!
I felt like ASS. I had no energy, massive headache and a very very excited 3 year old wanting to decorate! What a fantastic combination. (that's sarcasm if you couldn't tell) I forged ahead and made it through the tree decorating...surprisingly...with less cuss words than I remember my father having when I was young!
Our wonderful friend, Lorie, pointed out that our tree had "girth!" It might have been a little wide, but when you wedge it back far enough into the corner...It looks great!

*note to self...never go to pick out a Christmas tree in the rain, in the dark, in the mud, with 1 1/2 good legs and no food in your system* 

Next on the agenda for this glorious Saturday morning...go the the grocery store and get my fruits and veggies for the next few days. I told Melissa before I started the "juice fast" that I didn't want her to do anything different. I said, "just because I was doing this doesn't mean you and Andy have to change what you are doing."
So, when she asked me to get all of the groceries on the list, not just my own...naturally, I got a little pissed. Actually, I was a BIG F'N BABY about it. I'll admit it. I wanted no part of shopping for other foods while I was starving, with a massive headache, no energy and to top it off I couldn't eat any of it.
This was going to be torture. I realized that I was being a GIANT P.I.T.A. and begrudgingly made the trip to the grocery store. I got an abundance of fruits and veggies and yes...ALL of the other things on the list as well.

Next on the agenda for this fine Saturday...a birthday dinner at The Outback for my sister-in-law's birthday.
(Exhibit C...more evidence of my fantastic planning ability) 
I was a wreck...not really coherent, absolutely no energy...I was in this horrible fog.  I couldn't get out of my own way. I hate to admit it, but I stayed home. I didn't have it in me to go and on top of that, go and bring a juice to The Outback! Melissa and Andy went without me.  I felt horrible and guilty. (before everyone starts yelling at me...we do a Sibling's Birthday Dinner with, the 3 couples and no kids, on a completely different night to celebrate our birthdays)

I was sitting at home, by myself, feeling miserable and thinking..."Why the hell am I doing this to myself? I am missing a family function and I can barely move and its nearly impossible for me to have a thought that would make any sense at all.  This is ridiculous!"

I decided to get up and eat something. I had an apple. I didn't instantly feel better. I did, however, instantly feel like a failure. I COULDN'T EVEN MAKE IT 2 DAYS ON A JUICE FAST. I wasn't mentally prepared for it. I wasn't in the right frame of mind. It was rough to come to the realization that...I FAILED. I couldn't do it. Honestly, I don't know if I will ever try it again, but I do know that I will continue to juice. Juicing, as a supplement or a snack to my diet, makes a lot of sense. However,  juicing as the only thing in my diet..."Not a snowball's chance in Guam!"...as Eddie "The Rock" used to say.  It was rough. I'm not at all happy with the outcome. I thought I was stronger than that.

The best and worst part of all of this...Because of this blog...I have committed myself to full accountability and full disclosure. I could've easily never told the story of the 2 horrendous days, but what will that get me. I need to share this so I can put it all behind me and move forward. I need to share this so everyone knows and I am held accountable for it.  I also need to share it because it is the truth about what happened. I tried and I failed...at a juice fast...only a juice fast. I haven't lost sight of the big picture or my end goal. I am still moving forward...just had to do a little side step right out of the gate. Now I'm rollin' again!

So here we are...1 month later. I have watched what I ate and not gone too crazy with the crappy foods. I'm still doing my physical therapy exercises.  I have lost 7 lbs (3 in those 2 miserable Juice Fast days) and I am feeling some sense of victory.  Small victory but hey...A WIN IS A WIN and EVERY WIN COUNTS!

After being asked to do a good deed that would only take an hour or 2...which actually turned into breakfast and lunch and almost dinner (roughly 7 hours)...I was given a Total Gym Platinum Plus. So I say, "Bring it on Chuck Norris and Christie Brinkley!!" We'll see how it works out!

In other news, my wife has officially joined me on my quest. (but, definitely not the skydiving portion) I'm so excited that I have a partner in crime as well as a great cheering section! We have turned over a new leaf in our house and started healthier eating habits. My wife made a great point the other day and I have adopted it as well. Our new family motto is...


So, lots to do. I am a person that needs to set goals. I'm looking ahead to attempt to do my 2nd "first" 5k...crossing my fingers that there won't be any surgeries to stop me from doing this one!! I'm using the app My Fitness Pal to keep track of everything I eat and all of my exercises.  Melissa is not as fanatic about it as I am.  If any of you know us at all...that shouldn't surprise you in the least.  Anyway...Wish us luck!


Thanks for reading. See you in a few weeks!!


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